Friday, October 28, 2011

Puppy Love

It is FRIDAY!!!  Things have been busy busy in the Harper house.  Besides the little pink eye episode with Mark and Eli on Monday it has been a smooth sailing week!  Mark has been sick with a cold the last few days and woke up on Sunday with full blown pink eye in both eyes.  We had kept the baby away from him for the past week but when I picked him up from daycare on Monday it was apparent that the pink eye had got him in his right eye.

Yep, it was pretty nasty...but in about 24 hours he was back to looking like this:

By the way, I think I disinfected the entire house with Lysol about a trillion times!  Now that everyone is back to completely healthy things have been pretty routine.

Two nights ago, I had Eli on my lap while I surfed Pinterest (I know, I know...this is like my 5 millionth mention of Pinterest on this blog ;-))  It was Eli's wind down time before bed and he usually sits on my lap and plays with his blanket until he gets tired.  When I looked down at Eli this time he was petting Toby who was laying on the couch next to me.  It was so funny that I yelled for Mark to come in and watch and he captured this little video.  Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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