Mark left to go back to Atlanta on Sunday. The end of his vacation left little to be desired. He woke up Saturday morning with an ear ache and constant head ache. After a visit to the minute clinic a full blown ear infection was diagnosed. He was able to start his medication before hopping on the plane the next day. He arrived at home that evening to find Saydee (our cat) had accidentally been shut in the bedroom for 3 days and used the center of our bed as her litter box. I don't know if you all are familiar with cat pee, but it is one of the most foul odors and one of the toughest to get out of anything! She had peed through the comforter and sheets all the way down to the mattress. I feverishly started looking up home remedies for Mark to try. After pouring vinegar all of everything and using our wet vac he gave up for the night and crashed in the guest bedroom. My sister came by the next day with a supposed powerful pet cleaner and went to work on the mattress and comforter. We have to wait a couple of days for the solution to dry to see if we will be able to save the mattress. We all have our fingers crossed!
And as if that wasn't enough, the grass must have grown a foot since Mark had left. He got the lawn mower out and began trying to tame the forest in the back yard. A few minutes into mowing and the lawn mower made a horrendous noise and out flew Toby's nyla bone. Yep, the rock hard chew toy had jumped under the mower and bent the blade. You can imagine the frustration that fumed from Mark. I hate that his vacation ended on such a sour note, but a new blade has been bought and the grass has been mowed...just a day later than he wanted. Now we are just playing the waiting game to see if we will be able to sleep in our bed anytime in the near future!
Now to end on a little happier are a few other pictures of Eli's swim!
"Whatcha Talkin Bout?" |