Sunday, October 23, 2011

Sew What

Well it has been awhile since I posted, but to be fair I forewarned in my last post that my trips to Atlanta put me a week behind.  We are home this weekend but will be taking another trip to Atlanta next weekend.  My grandma Taylor will be in town and we can't deny Eli from sweet great grandma snuggles. :-)

As for what I have been up to this past week...well I did what I thought was the unthinkable.  I brought home my mom's sewing machine.  My mom has tried to prepare me for sewing on a couple of occasions.  At one point I took a sewing class at the local fabric store and even made a pajama shirt.  That was about 15 years ago though and the only thing I remember from it was that when you start to sew, you go back and forth a couple of times to keep it from unwinding. 

I think one of my main reasons for never attempting to sew was the fact that my mother was so good at it that I thought I would never be able to fill her shoes.  It was also much easier to just simply ask her to do any sewing projects that came up.  I knew that not only would I not have to do it but it would be done flawlessly.  And although I am sure I will never be the sewing master like my mother, I realize that I unfortunately can't keep my mother at my beck and call for all my cute sewing projects I find on Pinterest. 

So this past weekend I got the guts to pack up my mother's sewing machine and bring it back to Warner Robins.  In less than 24 hours I had her out and threaded ready for my first sewing project. 

There she blows!
 I had found this bapron (baby apron) on Pinterest and was dying to see if I could do it.  I was pretty sure that since this would be my first sewing project attempted on my own that it would be a complete disaster no matter how easy the tutorial stated it was.  I was actually so convinced that it was not going to turn out that I didn't even dare take pictures in the middle of the project.  I didn't want any evidence of my "sure to be failure".  I also wasn't able to take pictures because once I started I didn't want to stop between each step and snap a photo.  I followed the steps on the tutorial exactly and although not perfect, was able to create this in two short nights.

 I used the left over fabric I had from the bedding Eli has in his room and carefully put this together.  This is far from perfect and I learned a lot from my mistakes as I went along.  I am super stoked that this actually came out well and may have worked up enough confidence to give sewing more of a chance around here.  I am pretty sure that I will have no problem making a rag quilt out of Eli's weekly photo fabrics that I have been planning once he has made it though the 52 weeks of his first year of life.  Eli aslo seems to really like his bapron. 

 He also says it tastes good...

I am planning on making him some more baprons out of more boyish fabric but haven't had a chance to do it yet.  This will make an easy DIY baby shower gift as well! 


  1. wow! well done! you are so talented and it looks great!

  2. @Lauren thanks! I need to have you come by and give me one on one training!
